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Tempest News | February 2024

Written by Tempest | February, 2024


This month in Tempest News, we're delving into the critical topic of flash floods and the proactive measures communities can take to mitigate their impact. From staying informed and crafting emergency plans to practical tips on evacuation and recovery, we've created a comprehensive guide to ensure your preparedness in the face of this formidable natural threat.

Flash floods, with their sudden and intense nature, are a formidable threat triggered by heavy rainfall, storms, or rapid snowmelt, swiftly turning calm waterways into raging torrents that can damage and endanger families and homes. The urgency of flash floods lies in their rapid onset, demanding heightened preparedness and the ability for quick action at the time of a flash flood event. Crafting an effective emergency plan is paramount, emphasizing staying informed, having a comprehensive emergency kit, and establishing clear family communication.

The path to preparedness involves recognizing past flash flood patterns and staying updated through reliable weather forecasts and advanced apps. The emergency kit, a crucial component, should include non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, flashlights, and vital documents. Regular reviews and updates ensure relevance.

The emergency plan should be a set of instructions and a means to establish clear family communication, designate an out-of-area contact, and identify meeting points. Knowing evacuation routes is pivotal for a swift response. During a flash flood, heed evacuation orders, gather your emergency kit, and head to higher ground. If evacuation isn't possible, prioritize safety while sheltering in place.

  • Remember: "Turn around, don't drown." - Drive the other way if you encounter flood waters on the road and avoid walking in water deeper than your ankles. 
  • Exercise extra caution at night when flood hazards may be more challenging to identify due to reduced visibility.
Post-flash flood, cautiously approach returning home, awaiting official clearance. Be vigilant regarding health hazards in floodwaters, including contaminants, and exercise caution around potential dangers like downed power lines and displaced wildlife. Swift medical attention is essential for any injuries.

Continued preparedness involves routine checks and updates of your emergency kit, coupled with "flash flood drills." These simulations not only enhance readiness but also foster a sense of collective responsibility within the community, ensuring a more effective response during a flash flood.

Take proactive steps to safeguard your community against the threat of flash floods by staying informed, crafting an emergency plan, and regularly updating your emergency kit – read the full article for comprehensive guidance on preparedness and response.  CHECK OUT THE FULL GUIDE >>>




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